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For your tranquility, Hotel Xauen has established a strict protocol for sanitary measures:

- Requires all clients and suppliers to MANDATORY access with a mask, use of hydroalcoholic gel before entering, disinfection of footwear, use of disposable gloves (available at the entrance), marking a safety distance of two meters, and differentiated beacon for access corridor and exit area.

- The staff who work with us pass a temperature measurement every shift and, both in the Reception area and in the breakfast service area, will assist you behind an anti-contamination glass partition to offer you security.

- The magnetic keys are disinfected in their presence, with virucidals approved by the Ministry of Health. The elevator is continuously disinfected and its use is authorized for one person only or two assuming they are from the same family and share the same accommodation unit.

- The cleaning staff washes their hands at each change of room, assists the tasks with a mandatory mask and protective screen. This cleaning service is carried out with virucidal products suitable for health and with registration (at your disposal) of the health authorities. When you get to your room you will find a seal on the door that guarantees that the room has not been previously opened by any person. The lingerie is washed at temperatures and with the producers required by the health authorities. Bathroom amenities are discarded if they are not used and the room is ventilated longer than usual. At the end of the room cleaning process, the cleaning staff fumigates with virucidal spray throughout the room. In the event that the Xauen hotel is not fully occupied, it will assign rotating rooms, by floors, distances between accommodation units and trying to space the use of each accommodation unit in days.

- For the breakfast service, you will be offered upon arrival at check-in, the "Good Morning trays", so that you can configure it to your liking. The next morning it will be delivered sealed in our dining room, at the time your table is reserved and guaranteeing safe distances and always with the room ventilated.

- These guidelines obey the complementary protocol established by the Xauen de Jaén hotel. In no case do they replace the indications or / and legal obligations established by public administrations and health authorities, of which all persons who access the establishment, who are outside the responsibility, must give full account in their own capacity and under their own responsibility. In the event of any incident and of any kind that may arise, the hotel reserves the right to Inform the authorities if necessary.

- If any person feels and / or observes characteristic symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, dry cough, anxiety, loss of sense of smell or taste, pain, discomfort, etc.) must MANDATORYLY abstain, under their full responsibility, from entering and / or staying in our facilities.

- We work for your safety, so please inform us in writing of possible risks, suggestions or concerns. They must heed the instructions of our staff and comply with our protocol of regulations and prevention. Please understand the delays that all this may cause in the times of attention, as well as collaborate by providing us with specific data that may be required due to the health crisis that are justified for the prevention of health and social security, as well as adapting to the mandatory normative precepts and recommendations that are being modified according to the course and evolution of the health situation.

- Thank you for your understanding and for trusting us. We apologize for the inconvenience that our protocol may cause them and with which we work for your comfort, tranquility and security.